A tragic incident has surfaced involving a young lady who reportedly lost her life while using a sex toy, a vibrator, to satisfy her sexual desires. The story was shared on Twitter by a user with the handle Abike, recounting the harrowing details provided by the deceased’s roommate.
According to Abike’s post, the deceased increased the current of the vibrator while in the throes of passion. This action led to her shaking uncontrollably before becoming numb. Sadly, she passed away immediately after the incident.
Abike’s tweet read:
“A lady just d!ed on my street while using her v i b r a t 0 r. I didn’t get the full story but her roommate told me that the d£ceased increased the current of the v!brator, she started shaking and all of a sudden she became numb and suddenly gave up the gh0st. How is this even possible?”
This incident has sparked discussions and concerns about the safety of using such devices. It serves as a grim reminder of the potential risks involved and the importance of using such tools responsibly.
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